ICT (Information and Communication Technology)

Introduction to ICT: Definition of ICT and its importance in modern society. Basic understanding of computers, software, and hardware components. Computer Fundamentals: Parts of a computer: CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. Understanding data and information. Introduction to operating systems (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux). Software: Difference between system software and application software. Common software applications (word processing, spreadsheet, presentation software). Basics of file management. Internet and Communication: Introduction to the internet and its uses. Basics of web browsing, searching, and using online resources. Communication tools: email, messaging, social media. Cybersecurity and Ethics: Basic understanding of online safety and privacy. Responsible use of technology and ethical considerations. Data and Information: Difference between data and information. Basics of data storage, organization, and retrieval. Introduction to Programming: Basic concepts of programming, algorithms, and flowcharts. Scratch or similar visual programming language (optional). Emerging Technologies: Overview of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Digital Citizenship: Understanding the responsible use of technology, including dealing with online bullying and respecting intellectual property. Practical Skills: Basic troubleshooting of common computer issues. Creating and formatting documents. Basic spreadsheet operations. Basic presentation creation.